How to Thrive During Self-Imposed Isolation

Many of us are in ‘Lock-Down’ mode already – or heading that way fast. The ramifications for each one of us may be severe.  Particularly if your job is at risk or gone - or you’re one of the small business owners, like ourselves, who are quickly running out of cash - my heart goes out to you. We firmly believe that there will be a light at the end of this tunnel - and together we can get through this.

So, what do we do now? The best answer is to live the best life you can under the circumstances. These 6 tips could help you not only survive, but thrive!

Our Top Tips During Self Isolation

Get Moving Each Day

Maybe you can’t go to the gym - but find an online Exercise or Yoga App - that works for you, and follow along. It will help you manage stress and feel good each day. Don’t let yourself go like this 80’s heartthrob!

Eat Good Food

Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of vegetables etc.  It will be easy just to ‘eat whatever’ in this challenging situation. But, that will make you feel worse, not better.

Be Kind to People

None of us has been through this situation before – so everyone’s under a lot of stress. Take it easy on people – especially those you love. People are going to lash out due to stress – it doesn’t mean anything about you.

20 Minutes Per Day, Read or Listen to a Podcast on Self-Improvement, Wealth Education, Spirituality or Anything Else you Deem Uplifting

With all the challenging news, you need to plant some positive seeds.

Don’t Get Sucked Into a News Black Hole

It’s easy to get sucked into spending hours becoming an amateur epidemiologist (infectious disease expert) – or start reading the news online or watch cable news all day. And, yes, you do need to stay informed – but 15 minutes per day to get the latest news so you can follow best practice health/govt advice is enough. Put on a timer and click off once it’s done.

Help Those Less Fortunate

Every day I see new ways that people are coming together in assistance. For example, you can learn about the new concept of CAREMONGERING here. There is no better way to thrive than in service to others. 

Our lives are not on hold, we are living! 

Let’s thrive!